Substance Use Evaluation
SATOP is a two-step process
1) Complete an evaluation
2) Attend the assigned Class or Treatment Program
Class or Treatment Programs
1) Offender Education Program
2) Weekend Intervention Program
3) Clinical Intervention Programs
4) Serious and Repeat Offenders Program
Call for an Appointment? Call 314-621-9200 or send us a Chat and we will reach out to you within one business day.
SATOP is the State of Missouri, Department of Mental Health, Division of Behavioral Health program that is required for individuals who receive a DWI/DUI offense. Missouri law requires all persons arrested for an alcohol or drug-related traffic offense to complete an assessment screening followed by completion of either an education course or a treatment program as prescribed. The fees for the SATOP are set by State Statute; the SATOP Evaluation Cost is $375.00 per person. The result of this evaluation determines the appropriate level of placement for each individual. The Safety Council is a State Certified Offender Management Unit (OMU) and provides the assessment screening process. Our assessments times vary to meet your schedule.
We also provide the education class/service described below:
Adolescent Diversion Education Program (ADEP): A 10-hour education course for offenders who may have received a Zero Tolerance, Abuse and Lose, or a Minor in Possession offense. If there is no driver’s license involvement, the offender may be assigned directly to an education program. The fee for the ADEP is $200.
Substance Use Evaluation: A professional will provide an assessment of drug and alcohol use and make a recommendation based on the individual's circumstances. This may be court-ordered or employer-ordered. The fee for the evaluation is $200.00.