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Going for a Drive

Driver Improvement
(8 Hour Program)
Defensive Driving 

The National Safety Council’s eight (8) hour Defensive Driving Class (also known as Driver Improvement Program DIP) is approved throughout the United States for driving record point reduction.  Taught by National Safety Council certified instructors, it is designed to improve the student’s defensive driving skills.  DDC-8 is a learning experience that requires active student participation.  This classroom-based course focuses on improving both attitudes and behaviors behind the wheel.

NOTE: The DDC-8 class is appropriate for clients having traffic violations in Missouri, Illinois and other states requiring 4 or 8 hours of driver improvement training when all criteria set by the court and state are met.  Insurance companies may offer a discount for those who successfully completed Defensive Driving Classes.  Pre-registration and payment is required.

  Defensive Driving | Driver Improvement Course 8 Hour Class Offerings
We offer 4 options for the 8-hour National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course. Please ensure the class option you select is approved by the court (some courts require in person classes). 
1. In Person Course 8 Hours (one day):  These classes are offered at our location once a month on a Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 
2. In Person Course 8 Hours (2 evening sessions): These classes are offered in two required sessions at our location once a month on Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 
3. Zoom Course 8 Hours (2 sessions on the weekend): These classes are offered in two required sessions via zoom once a month on a Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. both days. Audio and Visual capabilities in a stationary setting are required. You will receive a link the the class once the class is booked online. If you do not receive a link, call the office at 314-621-9200 during office hours and prior to the class date. 
4. Online Class Option: Online 8 hour course through the National Safety Council. See Below.  

5. If you need a 4-Hour class, please call the office at 314-621-9200 to schedule.

Online Class Option Registration

The Online Class link will direct you to the 8-hour National Safety Council online Driving Course registration.

In Person and Zoom Class Option Registration (through June 2025)


Hampton Wed & Thur
Hampton (Sat)
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